The Hyper-Learning Journey Requires Daily Practices

People start out with the best of intentions. Most begin their journeys using some practices and working on one or two behaviors, but then life gets busy at work and/or home and so they skip a day, and then over time they are skipping more days, and eventually they are skipping all days. This journey to a New Way of Being and a New Way of Working is a daily one. In other words, you need to make your journey a top priority. 

The late Professor Anders Ericsson and Professors Lyle Bourne Jr., and Alice Healy are world-class cognitive psychology researchers. Professor Ericsson studied expertise and deliberate practice, and Professors Bourne and Healy focus on the best ways to train people to learn new things. Dr. Bourne was my graduate psychology advisor and has been an anam cara (soul friend) for four decades.  Their research clearly indicates that learning something new or improving a skill requires practice, practice, practice in small bits or chunks and that you are more likely to be successful if you measure yourself daily.

It also helps to have an accountability partner at home and at work. Another helpful Practice is creating your list of your Daily Intentions and reading that list first thing every morning when you wake up. It is your list of how you “want to be” today. How you want to act and how you want to manage yourself. It helps. It sets your intentions regarding your focus on improving. I learned this Practice from reading one of the Dalai Lama’s books and I use it every morning. It helps. Trust me.


Slowing Down — The Power of Choice


Hyper-Learning Is Behavioral