

Do you agree that the Digital Age will transform how we live; how we work; and who will work?

Have you personally adopted new ways of thinking, behaving, and working that will enable you, your teams and/or your organization to excel in the Digital Age—cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally?

Are you using Industrial Age cultural, leadership, learning, and training models or are you using models designed for the Digital Age?


During my 19-year career in academia, I have taken on a limited number of consulting engagements each year. My criteria in choosing engagements have been: (1) Could I add real value? (2) Was senior leadership sponsoring the “project” and were they willing to role model the desired behaviors that they wanted to instill in others? and (3) Would it be meaningful and impactful work? I have been very fortunate to have had many wonderful assignments and have built some wonderful relationships and friendships.

Effective May 25, 2021, I was awarded Professor Emeritus status by the University of Virginia. That gives me more time to take on a few more consulting engagements. I am excited to be able to bring my science and research based organizational and individual high-performance offerings to mid-cap and small-cap public companies; entrepreneurial growth businesses; multi-generational family businesses; and governmental agencies and non-profits engaged in humanistic missions.

The common thread in my work is optimizing human performance cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally in the pursuit of a strategic objective. Almost all my work involves behavior change—observable and measurable behavior change. I use a science-based behavior change process with the objective being to increase the behaviors that enable the desired performance and to decrease the behaviors that inhibit it.

Examples of some common strategic objectives are:

  • Innovation: Increasing the Scope, Quality and Speed of Innovation

  • Collective Intelligence: Optimizing the Quality of Workplace Conversations & Collaborations

  • Digital Age Soft Skills: Understanding and Developing the Master Accelerator of High Human Performance in the Digital Age

  • Hyper-Learning: Learning—Unlearning and Relearning at the Speed of Today’s Change / Excelling at Thinking in Ways that Smart Technology Can’t

If you would like to explore a possible consulting project with me, let’s talk. Please reach out to me at to schedule a conversation.

I wish you all the best on your Journey,
