Daily Intentions

How does one find some happiness in each day? Historically the answers have been found in the ancient Eastern and Western philosophies and/or the consistent values found in all the major religions. 

Good versus evil; love versus hate; compassion versus self-centeredness; and community versus selfishness. The choices are timeless. I ask myself: do I need to start here each day? Do I need to be deliberate?

I believe the answers will not found in divisiveness, greed, or survival of the fittest mentalities.
What have you found that works for you?
What are your behavioral anchors in this sea of uncertainty and divisiveness?

How are you figuring out how you want to “be” on a daily basis?
How do you want to behave today and every day?
What can bring you some Inner Peace each day? Steadiness? Stillness? Being your best self?

What micro-JOYS bring smiles to your face, your heart and to others?
How do you want to behave so you have those positive feelings and a positive impact on others?

I invite you to make your list of behaviors: how do you want to be (behave) each day and call that list “My Daily Intentions” and read it first thing every morning visualizing how you want to behave.

Every evening please reflect on your day and your Daily Intentions. How did you do? Where did you falter? Did you leave someone in a “bad place"?” If so, I invite you to make amends the next day—right yourself.

Adopting the Practice of Daily Intentions works. I learned about it in reading one of the Dalai Lama’s books and I have used it for some years. I know it works. I invite you to try it. It will set the compass of your heart for that day.


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